Features of Cenforce

Cenforce is an ED treatment drug that aims to improve the symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED). It is a drug that contains the same ingredients as Viagra

, a world-famous ED treatment drug , and is characterized by a large light blue diamond-shaped pill.

Effects of Cenforce

Sildenafil, the main ingredient in Cenforce, works by inhibiting PDE-5 (phosphodiesterase type 5), an enzyme that inhibits erections.

An enzyme called PDE-5 breaks down cyclic guanosine monophosphate, which is necessary for erection.

When cyclic guanosine monophosphate is degraded, an erection cannot occur, a condition known as ED (erectile dysfunction).

Sildenafil inhibits the enzyme PDE-5 and has the effect of dilating blood vessels near the **** and relaxing the muscles in the tissue called the corpus cavernosum inside the ****.

This causes blood vessels to dilate and muscles to relax, allowing more blood to flow into the corpus cavernosum within the ****, promoting an erection.



Cenforce 100mg Tablets is a generic drug of Viagra, which is famous for ED treatment to improve erectile dysfunction. Contains sildenafil, the same ingredient as Viagra.