PATENT PRACTICE TIP: Payment of Post Grant Renewal Fees and Your Peace of Mind
For those who receive our notices reporting completion of patent examination and issue fee due, you may have noticed that we have added a cautionary note with respect to the timing of the first, ‘post-grant’ renewal fee.

A good thing about renewal fees in Israel is that they are only payable after grant, and even then, only once every four years. A tricky aspect of this however, is that the first renewal fee, which covers years 1-6 (calculated from the effective date of filing) is due for payment 3 months after grant. The reason that this is tricky is that by definition, it is not a date that can be automatically calculated based on the date of effective filing, as it is entirely dependent on the date of grant.
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PATENT PRACTICE TIP: Payment of Post Grant Renewal Fees and Your Peace of Mind - JMB Davis Ben-David Knowledgebase

by Jeremy Ben-David, Managing Partner, JMB Davis Ben-David For those […]