What Is The Difference Between Montessori And Kindergarten School?
Deciding which style of learning to choose for their children often leaves many parents perplexed. Both Kindergarten and Montessori promise high-quality fundamental education before a child enters the schooling phase, but they have some striking visible differences. What are those differences? Here we take a look at what sets these two styles of learning apart.

Let us begin with the most essential difference. First, it is important to understand that kindergarten refers to an education method commonly used in many schools as part of the education system. On the other hand, Montessori is an instruction method in learning used in schools to educate students. While kindergarten is found in most schools, the Montessori way of education may or may not be available in playschools, nursery schools, etc.

The kindergarten education system is very structured in which the role of a teacher is predefined. The techniques to disseminate education remain unchanged for all the students. But Montessori learning follows an unstructured method. Every student is given the freedom to express their ideas and intellect. As students develop their learning styles and move towards the next stages, teachers adapt to their styles and thus contribute towards the holistic development of learning skills in students.
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