Patent can be given only for the inventions invented by human being and AI cannot do it since they are not human confirmed by US federal circuit court.
Computer Scientist Stephen Thaler was about to Copyright and patent the multiple software tools he created and he was not able to copyright an image for an AI system. US Patent office announced that the Thaler AI system DABUS cannot be a legal inventor because the invention was not done by the Natural human. The federal circuit court has confirmed the decision again.
The Patent Act explains that only invention made by human being can hold a patent and inventors must be a natural person i.e human being.
Thaler appeals the court ruling with his attorney and the outcome was the AI generated inventions can be patented in the United States.
Filing patent for an innovation is a real struggle for all the inventors and every inventors dream is to hold patent for their invention and it collapses the entire process when the final step is declined or we don’t get approval for their invention.
Patent Search like Novelty Assessment, Validity and Invalidity Searches, Patent Landscape Study etc... Will help you to file patents for your inventions and enrich the invention.
