Voice of Feelings: Zoey Loglisci's Artistry

Explore the captivating artistry of Zoey Loglisci in "Voice of Feelings." Her music transcends words, becoming a conduit for raw emotions. Each note resonates like a heartfelt conversation, inviting listeners to delve into the rich tapestry of feelings. Zoey's melodies are a sonic exploration of the human experience, painting vibrant soundscapes that evoke deep connections. Immerse yourself in her soulful harmonies and let her music speak to the depths of your emotions.

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Zoey Tess

Zoey Tess

Zoey Tess is an American pop singer and songwriter. Her aunt is legendary film and television actress Corinne Camacho. Tess was born January 1st, 1993, in Coral Springs, Florida. She began her music career when she was just twelve years old. With a b