This is an important aspect of any #medical #online #reputation #management #software. You should make sure that the patients know that you read every single comment. And, the only way you can do this, is by answering all the negative as well as #positive #feedback.

With the negative feedback, you should not leave negative answers. This will not be in your practice best interest. Just say you're sorry for the bad experience, and that you are going to look into it, and report back. The more positive your answer, the better the results will be at the end of the day.

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Lumin Medical Purchases Online Reputation Management Software | PatientTrak

Lumin Medical Purchases Online Reputation Management Software | PatientTrak

Franklin, Wis., May 9, 2016 – Lumin Medical LLC, a leader in patient satisfaction solutions, announced it has acquired the Online Reputation Management (ORM)