If you suspect you have a blown head gasket, the next step is seeking professional help. Here are the steps to take after noticing signs of head gasket problems:

Get a Diagnostic Check: To confirm whether the head gasket is blown, take your car to a trusted mechanic for a diagnostic check. Mechanics will often use a pressure test to detect leaks and determine if the gasket needs to be replaced.

Avoid DIY Solutions: While there are products that claim to seal a blown head gasket temporarily, they rarely provide a lasting solution. If the gasket is severely damaged, it needs to be replaced by a professional mechanic to avoid further damage

How a Blown Headgasket Can Affect Your Engine's Health

How a Blown Headgasket Can Affect Your Engine's Health

Understand how a blown head gasket impacts your engine's health, causing issues like overheating, loss of power, and costly repairs. Learn signs, causes, and prevention tips.