Touring Questions

1. While it is indicated that touring might have different meanings for a small business and well-established, large companies, does this concept still have the identical meaning in general? Which one?

2. Touring is classified into five general types. However, there are three types that presuppose that a company stays at a place for a long time. What are these three types, and how are they different from each other?

3. Usually a company has a single, straight-forward purpose and goal in the process of touring. However, it is indicated that in the artistic firms the staff and administration are concerned with different purposes. What are they?

4. What is the board of trustees and what function does it have in a company?

5. What are the four tentative touring questions that need to be answered when making plans for the touring and before the touring is confirmed?

6. Undoubtedly, since touring presupposes the change of geographical location, not every company or organization may consent to it. However, there are also some other factors of a business’s operation that may be the reason for a company to refuse touring. What are these factors?

7. Depending on the size of a business, sources of financing, and home base activities, there are different advantages for organizations to decide to go on a tour, and the list is rather broad.Which of the advantages do you think are the most considerable and why do you think so?

8. What are the four areas of concern related to a company that need to be considered when making a decision whether or not to tour?

9. What is the advice given to those companies that are not known to the audience and have never toured before but are considering setting off on tour?

10. What are some of the aspects of clearing a calendar for the touring that is planned to be made, and which factors need to be taken into consideration?

This question was prepared by Abigail from | BEST Custom Writing Service
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