VANDERBILT AVENUE ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, is the legal name of the firm. It employs a total of 11 individuals, with 8 of them serving in advisory roles. The firm caters to a single client, and its SEC status was last reported as "Approved" with a registration date of February 1, 2008.

Emad A. Zikry is the President and CEO of Vanderbilt Capital Advisors, LLC, having held the same position in its predecessor firm. Prior to this, he served as the Managing Director and Head of Fixed Income and Quantitative Services at Mitchell Hutchins Institutional Investors, Inc. Emad is a published author in professional and academic journals such as The Journal of Forecasting, The American Economist, and The Journal of Fixed Income. He is a Board member of The National Investment Company, an Associate of The Foreign Policy Association, and a member of the Board of Advisors of the Pacific Institute and The Advisory Committee of Fulcrum Global Partners. Emad also serves on the Board of Directors of The Park Avenue Bank and Quality Systems, Inc.

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