roman davis  поделился  Заметка
2 лет
Different Methods to Collect Primary & Secondary Data for Masters Dissertation - Recifest
Primary and secondary data are two types of data used in masters dissertation. These two types of data in a #dissertation guide the researcher to #analyse the subject or answer the research questions. Thus, primary and secondary data collection is essential to solve a research problem. However, do you know how to collect this type of data? What are the methods used for the collection of #primary & #secondary data? As guessed, you know nothing about it. Well, there is no need to worry. In today’s article, we will look at different methods of primary data collection and secondary data #collection for a masters dissertation. So, without wasting any time further, let’s get started with the topic.
#SecondaryData #Methods #MastersDissertation #SecondaryDissertation