What Are Legal Drugs?
Drugs are chemicals that change the way your body works. They are addictive and can cause many serious health problems if used regularly.


But despite the potential for harm, most people derive substantial benefits from their use. This is a point that advocates of prohibition seem to have overlooked.

What are Legal Highs?
Legal highs are drugs which produce similar effects to illegal drugs such as ecstasy, cocaine and cannabis. These include powders, pills, capsules, perforated tabs and smoking mixtures.

These substances can make users hallucinate, feel euphoric or relax and sleep. They come in various forms and can be sold in head shops or online.

Addiction to legal highs can lead to serious social, emotional and financial problems for the user and their families. They may also lead to physical health complications and a reduced quality of life.

In the UK, production and supply of legal highs are illegal under the Psychoactive Substances Act of 2016. The legislation makes it an offence to provide or sell them and police can take action where they find them. The penalties range from a prohibition notice to seven years in prison.

Are They Safe?
When you think of drugs, you probably think of illegal drugs such as cocaine, heroin or ecstasy. These are highly addictive and can cause serious health issues such as lung damage, cancer and liver disease.

But you might be surprised to know that there are a lot of legal substances available on the market that can pose just as much danger. These so-called 'legal highs' or 'designer drugs' are not tested on humans to make sure they don’t have any harmful effects, and the manufacturers are constantly changing their formulas so they remain one step ahead of the law.

This is a real threat to our health and wellbeing, as the UK Office of National Statistics has revealed that during 2013-2014 76 people died due to using legal highs. Young people in their 20s are most at risk of death from using legal highs.

What are the Side Effects?
Drugs have effects on the body and brain that can range from minor problems to life-threatening. Manufacturers and regulators must weigh the benefits of a drug against the risks.

For example, some drugs, such as certain medications for hepatitis C and cancer, may increase the risk of serious health problems in patients who have a history of these diseases.

Many of these drugs have a high probability of addiction, meaning that even small amounts can lead to long-term behavioural habits and dependency.

Taking legal highs is a huge risk that can be damaging to your wellbeing. It can cause a number of health issues, including overheating and dehydration. Using these substances for prolonged periods can also lead to mental health and addiction issues.

How Do They Work?
Legal highs are psychoactive substances, which are designed to make you feel euphoric, chatty, physically active, fast thinking and very energised. They are often prescribed to help with a variety of mental health issues.

There are several different types of legal highs, and they can be smoked or taken as tablets. Some of the most popular include mephedrone, naphyrone and ecstasy.

While many of the drugs are relatively safe, they can also be dangerous if used incorrectly. Users can develop a physical addiction to the drug, which can lead to withdrawal symptoms when they stop using it.

Criminal prohibition of psychoactive drugs has proven to be a failure. It has failed to stem the flow of illegal drugs and has spawned a culture of crime. It has also led to the deaths of thousands of people. It is time to repeal prohibition and create a system of reasonable regulation of these drugs. This will ultimately lead to a healthier, safer and more crime-free society.
